multiplying church planters and apostolic teams

Church planters about CFCM


  • Sustainable, vital, multiplying churches
  • Ongoing care and leadership development among church planting peers

    The Cru Fellowship for Church Multiplication is for apostolic leaders, missionary leaders, church planters or mission team leaders who are called to plant multiplying churches.


    The Cru Fellowship for Church Multiplication will equip you to:

    1. Reach the lost in a wise, clear, authentic and relevant way
    2. Establish new believers in their walk with Jesus and develop them into faithful disciples
    3. Equip faithful disciples to become fruitful workers in the harvest
    4. Entrust fruitful church planters, their team and gospel workers to multiply vital churches for everyone, everywhere

    The Fellowship is an apostolic-multiplication community.You will have the opportunity to become part of an ongoing peer-coaching learning community of leaders who are committed to see the church multiply.


    The Fellowship utilizes the Sent 6:7 process.
    Euipping the Leader FlowChart 2023-1
    “This is for those who wish to reach their full potential as a Jesus follower, who has the courage to change their life, who look to build a healthy and trustworthy process for making disciples in a contemporary society. It challenges our status quo.”
    Roberto Vidal
    Christian Life Center, Ft. Lauderdale
    "Sent 6:7 is simple, practical, biblical, and applicable to the 21st century people, especially for the younger generation. We are using it and we have seen very good results so far. Furthermore, it helps us to engage all believers to share their faith on a daily basis. For example, I use it almost every day intentionally as I share the gospel to others. We are so grateful for our partnership with Cru Church Movements because it's a blessing for our churches and many more people outside of the church.”
    Rev. Terefe Anshebo (Dr.)
    General Secretary of Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church in North America


    The Cru Fellowship for Church Multiplication has in-person and online elements.

    There are three in-person sessions with special opportunities to develop as field-practitioners.

    September 15-18, 2025 (Santa Ana, CA)

    January 26-29, 2026 (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

    June 3-6, 2026 (Kansas City, KS/MO)

    Also, there are two-hour online sessions monthly.

    All participants will have a self-chosen accountability partner and eventually placed in a Peer-Coaching Circle.