Before Covid-19, Church Movements had the privilege of hosting many trainings at Exponential 2020. We saw God move in extraordinary ways at Exponential – a gathering for fellow-pastors, missional leaders and church-planters.
Some of our favorite highlights include:
- Hosting our training “The Changing Face of Evangelism and the Well-Being of the City” for about 100 leaders.
- Hosting 75 at our luncheon – and having Dr. Steve Douglass and Dr. Bekele Shanko cast vision and share how Cru Church Movements wants to partner to make Jesus known, multiply the church and serve the city.
- Connecting with our friends in the Campus ministry, Jesus Film Project, Family Life and Global Church Movements (GCM) and talking about ways to deepen our collaboration.
- A pastor in the Dallas area who is being trained in Sent 6:7 works with Latino pastors. He wrote our team this week saying, “We are seeing disciples make disciples, now for the next generation! I’m now using Pursue (our 2nd phase of Sent 6:7) with several groups and I have a disciple starting a larger Pursue group in Spanish next week! God is at work!!”
- Getting to know Pastor Henry from Nigeria and discussing ways to advance the mission of Jesus among his people – we have GCM staff in his country.
- Connecting a pastor in Trinidad to our GCM leader in Latin America to be trained in evangelism and church multiplication.
- Connecting with leaders at Exponential about the future of the church.
- Enjoying the fellowship of our partners with The Send Institute and ChristTogether, as we continue to make plans of working together to multiply the church and make disciples.
- “From our experience, the tools that you’re working with seem to be ahead of where we are right now and I highly recommend this training to everyone. It will expose you to out of the box ideas on how to engage in evangelism. It brought a freshness to everything and we are looking forward to implementing them to our church.”
– Shawn, Pastor of Evangelism and Outreach for Multi-Site Church of 10,000 that attended our seminar in Orlando